The Lone Warrior Appears

The Lone Warrior Appears

Friday, July 10, 2009

Yaoi and Yuri

Romance is a great genre of anime. It is where the guy saves the girl or the girl gets the guy. But not all romance stories are like that.

Yaoi: a term used to describe a MaleXMale anime series
Yuri: a term used to describe a FemaleXFemale anime series

Now, I think these type of series are a bit disgusting and wrong. But... I actually found out I do watch them. (I didn't find out till the kiss happens) I do not these kind of series for the romance that takes place between the main characters but for the storyline that is seen through the series. I learned to tolerate the romance parts in these type of series but still do not approve of these kind of things happening in real life.

In the world of anime, these genres of anime is accepted as well as the rest of them. It has it's own fan-bases with tons of fans in them. To me I think Yuri is a bit more popular and the more accepted than Yaoi. Yaoi is still looked down upon a bit but is still read and enjoyed by many. These genres of anime may sound bad, but they have some good storylines. (I'm not talking the fan-made ones...)


  1. Bigots like you are what's wrong with the internet.

  2. =( ^.^ )= yay yuri and yoai fan girl right here lol

  3. Hey Anonymous, bigots like you are whats wrong with the internet.
    He expressed a personally dislike of homosexuality but wasn't rude, offensive or mean about it. He didn't 'hate' on anyone but you are because you don't like his opinion. He expressed a willingness to tolerate it but you clearly can't tolerate anyone with a different opinion than your own. Tolerance and respect works both ways, if you want people to be more accepting of homosexuals, then you need to be more accepting of the fact that there are people who are just not going to like it. Expressing a dislike doesn't automatically make you a bigot or a homophobe.

  4. You're wrong about one thing, actually. Yaoi is a lot more accepted and popular than Yuri. Unfortunately.

  5. i dont think its wrong, im a girl and i love yuri (but im lesbian so its acually quite obvious i like yuri haha) but still i also kinda like yaori i think... so it should be alright :D
