The Lone Warrior Appears

The Lone Warrior Appears

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Anime Fan Art

Lots of people, who are artists themselves, can't resist drawing their favorite anime characters in their own little scenarios. What if the main guy went for another girl? What was the story like from the villain's point of view? Any hard-core fan would want to know such a thing. What's stopping those who can draw from helping with those questions?

I like doing fan art a bit myself though not such big projects as said above. Most fan art materials are often romance between possible couples in the specific series. Some are just little comedy scenarios. Some are just re-adjusting the character's outfit. My fan-art is often just the character in different outfits and with weapons.
My reason for doing fan art is to practice designing and getting down my ideas.

Anyways, some fan art are well done or done well in different drawing styles. Some fan art material are just horrible. But! It's not all quality of the artwork. You must also consider some of the scenarios used in the art. Though some are funny and cute, there are those that are just disturbing and gross. I am not totally opposed to fan art, but some people really let their imaginations go wild.

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