The Lone Warrior Appears

The Lone Warrior Appears

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Anime: Negima!?
Type: Magical, Adventure, Comedy
Episodes: 1- 26
My Rating: 4.5 out of 5
My Grade: A

I started from the manga and then got into the anime for this one. From the same person who gave you Love Hina, comes another ecchi, comedy series. The reason I checked out the series is because of the name of the author. I did not regret it. Then I started to watch the anime series they put up for it. (Note: Unlike most anime, this one actually only takes some things from the manga. The anime is another story itself.)

It gives you a good opening to the series. It draws your interest into it a bit. But the real action begins when the magic starts flowing through the air. It becomes a long enjoyable adventure with the characters. This series has the one of the biggest cast of main characters. They do not even leave a character behind from the spotlight. All of them get to have their little moment in the series. The series also shows how each of the characters' roles interact with one another. On top of that, they manage to throw in a good amount of comedy into the fray. It is guaranteed a very laughable series. Despite all these things, the battle scenes still retain the suspense and thrill you would expect. This is a highly recommended series.

Basic Story (for the Anime, not the Manga):
Years ago, a man, known as the Thousand Master, fought the great vampire, Evangeline. In a great battle, the Thousand Master defeated the dreadful vampire. Upon defeating her, he sealed her powers.
Actual Story
Today, Negi Springfield, the descendant of the Thousand Master, graduated from the Magical Academy at the age of 10. He is assigned to be a school teacher at an all-girls school. How will Negi deal with this? Will he be able to survive the wave of junior high school girls? What awaits him in this school? Find out by watching Negima!?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito

Anime: Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito
Type: Fantasy, Adventure, Romance
Episodes: 1 - 13
My Rating: 4 out of 5
My Grade: B+

Well, I finished this anime about a week ago. I liked it. Though I cannot give it a better grade because of a few minor things they do in the series. I have to say for a not-so-well known anime, it was pretty good. I got interested in it after I saw a short video on it on Youtube. I thought I would take a little break and watch this short series.

Now, onto the review!! It starts out pretty basic for an anime storyline, but they expanded upon that and made it a pretty enjoyable series. It had a good amount of comedy in it to balance out the boring scenes. They also have some suspense in it too. The only problem they have is that they do not explain some things in the series. You probably need to research the info yourself to understand the series closely. The info is not that necessary, but it does explain some things in the series. Throughout the series you need to pay attention to important info that comes up, because they do switch between different scenarios quite a bit and gets a bit confusing. Once you get towards the end, everything should be much very clear to you.

Basic Story:
In the beginning, Adam with the help of Ririsu created many worlds. Then Adam and Eve created humans who would inhabit these worlds. But soon powerful beings, known as gods, came and brought war upon these worlds. In order to protect his creations, he sealed the worlds into books and placed them in the Great Library. Thus Yami, the Protector, was born...

Hatsuki and Hatsumi were very close sisters. But the night before Hatsumi's 16th birthday, they got into a fight. Hatsuki goes up at midnight to apologize to Hatsumi but only to find her taken up by a mysterious light. A mysterious bird arrives and leads Hatsuki to where Hatsumi probably is. Hatsuki is soon taken into a journey through many worlds in search for her sister.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Anime Fan Art

Lots of people, who are artists themselves, can't resist drawing their favorite anime characters in their own little scenarios. What if the main guy went for another girl? What was the story like from the villain's point of view? Any hard-core fan would want to know such a thing. What's stopping those who can draw from helping with those questions?

I like doing fan art a bit myself though not such big projects as said above. Most fan art materials are often romance between possible couples in the specific series. Some are just little comedy scenarios. Some are just re-adjusting the character's outfit. My fan-art is often just the character in different outfits and with weapons.
My reason for doing fan art is to practice designing and getting down my ideas.

Anyways, some fan art are well done or done well in different drawing styles. Some fan art material are just horrible. But! It's not all quality of the artwork. You must also consider some of the scenarios used in the art. Though some are funny and cute, there are those that are just disturbing and gross. I am not totally opposed to fan art, but some people really let their imaginations go wild.

Elemental Gelade

Anime: Elemental Gelade (Jap: Erementar Gerad)
Type: Fantasy, Adventure, Romance
Episodes: 1 - 26
My Rating: 5 out of 5
My Grade: A

This is one of the first anime series I watched when I got really into anime. I saw the opening of it in an anime store and asked what the name was. I looked it up and watched the first two episodes online, loved it, and searched for the DVDs (until I found the box set with the whole series in it).

As I said before, it had a very well done intro to the series. It always makes you wonder what's gonna happen next at almost every end of the episode. The action and the drama were really well done. They often put in comic relief where it's needed to keep the story interesting and fun. It's full of surprises and twists that just leap out at you. While watching the series, you will be put in a long cycle of suspense and wanting to watch more and more until the end. This anime is my 2nd most favorite anime series.

Basic Story:
Cou is a sky pirate who dreamed to be the best there was. Despite his pride and ambition, he is a failure as a sky pirate. He then stumbles upon a mysterious girl, Reverie Metherlence, the Shickohoujo. She seeks to find her way back to a place called, Edel Garden. Cou offers to escort her there but soon finds himself protecting the girl with his life. Why is this girl so important? What secrets lies in Edel Garden?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Live-Action Anime

One of the many things that sound good in the world of anime. Why wouldn't you want to see your anime heroes in real life? Most people would probably wet their pants at the sight of them right in front of them shaking their hands. It would a dream come true if you could meet your favorite anime character face-to-face.

Unfortunately, this fantasy turned into a series of disasters. From to the drawing board to real life, actors take the form of the anime characters we know and love and act out some of the famous scenes from the anime. These produxts can only be found on the big screen and on DVD.

I have to say most of the live-action movies are just ridiculous. Many of the things in the movie look really fake. The props and costume look really fake on the actors. The actors sometimes don't look alike enough to be anime counterparts. Despite these mistakes, there are some live-action movies that are really well acted and casted, though some of the props still look fake. I guess the reason is that we are just to used to anime being animated not being acted out by actors on a movie set. Overall, I think that live-action movies are alright but can never beat the original animated series. Some live-action movies could be great if they could get their hands on some good directors and actors. (I don't mind the props looking fake as much, but they could improve more on that.)

Re-Watching Anime

Why is it so hard? I want to re-watch my favorite series, but it's too hard for me to keep on track. I loved going through it the first time through the series. But it's too hard to go through it again. I get side-tracked and suddenly switch to another series.

I guess I am getting side-tracked easily because I already know what is going to happen and would rather skip to the good parts. Also, checking out new anime series is not helping either. It happens pretty slowly. At first, I enjoy re-watching the series, but once I pass a few episodes, I start getting side-tracked by something else (video games, friends, or new anime series). In conclusion, I am just bored with going through the whole series again. It's kind of hard not to want to skip to the exciting parts. -///-

Friday, July 10, 2009

Yaoi and Yuri

Romance is a great genre of anime. It is where the guy saves the girl or the girl gets the guy. But not all romance stories are like that.

Yaoi: a term used to describe a MaleXMale anime series
Yuri: a term used to describe a FemaleXFemale anime series

Now, I think these type of series are a bit disgusting and wrong. But... I actually found out I do watch them. (I didn't find out till the kiss happens) I do not these kind of series for the romance that takes place between the main characters but for the storyline that is seen through the series. I learned to tolerate the romance parts in these type of series but still do not approve of these kind of things happening in real life.

In the world of anime, these genres of anime is accepted as well as the rest of them. It has it's own fan-bases with tons of fans in them. To me I think Yuri is a bit more popular and the more accepted than Yaoi. Yaoi is still looked down upon a bit but is still read and enjoyed by many. These genres of anime may sound bad, but they have some good storylines. (I'm not talking the fan-made ones...)

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Anime - K-On
Type: School-Life, Comedy
Episodes: 1-12 + 1 extra episode
My Rating: 4.5 out of 5
My Grade: A

I was planning to watch this series for a while. I just wanted the series to finish airing first before I watch it, but I couldn't wait, and a few of my friends were pushing me to watch it.

I like how it starts out, very classic in the anime world with a few comic touches. It starts out through episodes 1-5 as basically the gathering of the whole crew. The rest just goes on on what they do and on what crazy adventures they have. The comedy is really good, especially if you understand some Japanese culture. It has a very lovable class of characters. It's a very enjoyable series throughout!
Moe, Moe, KYUN!♥

Basic Story:
Yui is just a regular girl who is excited for high school. Though very clumsy she's willing to go at it with all she can. Mio and Ritsu are childhood friends. Ritsu takes over the Light Music Club and forces Mio to join in her scheme to make it big as a band. The only problem for Ritsu and Mio is that they are the only people in the club. Unless they can get at least two more members, the club would be dissembled. Mugi, a girl who comes from a wealthy family background, accidentally stumbles upon the club and joins them because of her interest in them. Yui finds a poster calling for more members for the Light Music Club. She applies because she thought it would be fun. Now, with the number of members needed reached, these four girls are determined to be the best band they could be and make it big. They have lots of crazy adventures and very funny moments.