The Lone Warrior Appears

The Lone Warrior Appears

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

11 Eyes

Anime: 11 Eyes
Type: Fantasy, Action, Romance
Episodes: 1-12
My Rating: 8.5 out of 10
My Grade: B+

Looking at the title cover made me want to watch this. It wasn't that great, it wasn't bad. I was satisfied with the series.

The story starts out really well and shows real promise. The main characters are gathered together for the first half of the series. After that the real action starts to begin. The battle scenes are really well done. The storyline is pretty sturdy. The buildup for character development is seen throughout and well laid out. The ending, however, might not be what people expected. Personally, I thought the ending could have been better. Let a tragedy be a tragedy, and a happy ending be a happy one. The end is where I think the authors just twisted up the story a lot. The story is awesome, but the ending just ruins the flow of it.

Basic Story:
Six high school kids are brought into the world of Red Night. There they must fend for their lives against the Black Knights and their army of monsters. The world of Red Night suddenly takes them away and suddenly takes them back. The black moon shines in the eyes of these six children as they try to stay alive. What lies in the world of Red Night? Why are they the ones being dragged into this world? Who is the mysterious girl who is locked within the red crystal pillar?

Be Taken into the World of Red Night!

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